Share this postRemnant | MDQuantum PhysiologyCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreQuantum PhysiologyFix Your Water, Fix Your Health.Remnant MD·November 17, 2023When I began concerning myself with the water we consumed, it was in our tiny Brooklyn studio. We heard great things from New Yorkers about the quality of their tap-water, so I started to dig into it.Read full storyINSIGHTS | 30. Positive PCR test from just Water?Remnant MD·September 3, 2023I know what you’re thinking. What did he say? Has he lost it? Bare with me. Let me clarify the idea, so that it marinades in your mind while you read on.Read full storyINSIGHTS | 33. How Electromagnetic Radiation Impacts PhysiologyRemnant MD·October 9, 2023With the advent of 5G telecommunications technology, there has been a global resurgence of concern regarding the impacts of non-natural electromagnetic frequencies (Read full storyHomeopathy is Virality.Remnant MD·June 2, 2024Recently, I have explored some of the foundational texts of Homeopathy, particularly the works of physician Samuel Hahnemann. If you are familiar with Hah…Read full story