Recently, I have explored some of the foundational texts of Homeopathy, particularly the works of physician Samuel Hahnemann.
If you are familiar with Hahnemann’s work, you will know that he was originally trained in the allopathic model. Indeed, it was Hahnemann who coined the term “allopathy” to refer to the rising practice of medicine in which the body and disease are compartmentalized and categorized as if to suggest that the body exists in distinct modules and needs to be assaulted to achieve a disease-free state.
In one of the first articles I wrote on the topic, we explored the problems which Hahnemann observed in allopathy over a hundred years ago.
It assails the body with large doses of powerful medicines, often repeated in rapid succession for a long time, whose long-enduring, not infrequently frightful effects it knows not, and which…makes unrecognizable by the commingling of several such unknown substances in one prescription, and by their long-continued employment it develops in the body new and often ineradicable medicinal diseases.
If you share my concerns about modern medicine, you will see that our concerns are not new. People like Hahnemann have been warning us about the schemas which underpin the allopathic practice, even though they are not explicitly stated in the doctrine.
After realizing the critical flaws in the allopathic model, he set forth on a life-long journey of discovering a new mode of medical practice.
Many doubters will mock homeopathy as that discipline which believes that the more dilute a solution is, the more potent it becomes. Further, they will mock the notion that water has “memory.”
Unfortunately for these narrow-minded folk, modern experimentation has not only shown that these are possible, but has provided a glimpse into the biochemical mechanism by which this can happen.
If you are unfamiliar with the experiments, I would highly recommend you check out this prior article:
The phenomenon which has been observed in modern experiments is as follows:
DNA dissolved in water, at increasingly lower concentrations (more dilute)
Once a threshold of low concentration is reached, the water which structures itself around the DNA begins to emit harmonic resonance
This resonance can be detected (as the researchers did)
That’s not all…
The pattern of resonance can then be transmitted over the internet to another lab at a distant geographic location
In the second lab, they expose pure water to this harmonic resonance (which bares the signature of the original DNA)
Then, this second batch of water undergoes a PCR test which is primed to detect the original DNA from the first lab
The PCR test comes back positive.
From this mind-blowing set of experiments we can infer a few things:
Not only does water conform to those substances which are dissolved in it, but..
if the substance is one of wave-like conformation (such as double-stranded DNA), the water develops a resonance which can also be detected as wave-forms
this wave-form can be digitally transmitted, and the original DNA structure can be recreated from scratch
But, what about the dilutions? Why must it be dilute? Read the article linked above.
For this article, let us assume that dilution is key. The more dilute, the more potent.
Homeopathy is Virality
What does it mean for something to be viral or to “go viral”?
Predicting if and when something will go viral is very difficult. That does not mean that it is impossible to generate viral content.
People like Mr. Beast and other social media stars have figured out to a large extent the factors which increase the likelihood of something going viral.
But, you don’t have to be Mr. Beast to go viral. I have seen accounts with small followings, many anonymous, who post a piece of digital media content only to wake up 2-3 days later with millions of impressions, thousands of likes and shares.
How do you think I got this far as an anonymous cartoon doctor?
Most of the time, it is about transmitting the right piece of information, at the right time and in the right medium.
The collective unconscious then resonates with this information, and propagates it faster than anything you have ever seen before.
You need not pay for ad-space, hire marketers or salesman.
It happens spontaneously.
As if the world is starving for the information you shared. All you need to do is share it, and the rest will take care of itself.
In the vast ocean of the digital information ecosystem…somehow, an anonymous twitter account with under 100 followers goes viral.
This is a highly dilute source of information having systemic reverberations.
We can make an analogy to virology as well.
For example, classical virology posits that a virus is more pathogenic if the necessary viral load (or number of copies of the viral information) to cause disease is lower.
That is to say, in an exposure droplet…the virus which is more potent in causing illness need only be present in fewer numbers. That is, of a lower concentration.
Similarly, homeopathy posits that any given disease-state needs its cure in the correct concentration. The more severe the disease-state, the more potent a cure it needs. The more potent cure is the one with the lowest number of copies of the cure in the treatment solution.
What happens with homeopathic treatment that resembles virality?
Let’s think about it this way.
An organism in a state of illness has a need for something. This can be in many forms, but let’s take the case of a need for a cure/treatment.
Homeopathy rests on the notion that the substance (more broadly, the information) the body needs must be in a very low concentration to have a physiologic effect. The experiments of Luc Montagnier which we discussed above provides rationale for why this may be the case mechanistically.
In essence, you provide the cure in such a concentration that it can resonate with the complex water-structure lattice that makes up our body. The body then finds and resonates with the information contained in the cure. Eventually manifesting in symptoms which are hallmarks of the healing process.
The transformation follows once the body has found what it is looking for.
There may be many reasons that the more potent homeopathic solutions are the ones with the lowest concentrations.
Montagnier et al posit that the lower the concentration, the more likely the unique resonance signature of that solution can permeate through the body without being impacted or cancelled out by phase-shifts from the same solution.
Alternatively, the greater the concentration of the substance, the more likely that the structured gel-like water solution can dampen the signal emitted.
If we consider this from the lens of information & virality, there is another way to interpret it.
The more the body is in need of a given piece of information (or cure), the more likely it is to find it by whichever mechanism the body seeks out this information. The greater potency of the dilute solution is directly related to the severity or strength of the need the body has for it.
I am still working on this line of thought, but the fundamental point remains the same:
Homeopathy instills a small load of viral information into the body (low copy number aka low concentration aka high dilution)
This information interacts with the body’s water to transmit the signal of this information throughout the body
If the body is in need of this information, it will rapidly begin to resonate with it
That is to say, receive and re-transmit this information to the rest of the body
Before you know it, the whole of your being is taken by this information/cure
This is why people who take exponentially dilute homeopathic solutions…which skeptics call “just water”…manifest in widespread severe symptoms which are hallmarks of the healing process.
If what they took was “just water,” how could they manifest with such robust symptoms so quickly?
The infinitesimally small concentration of this solution initiated a viral phenomenon throughout the body.
The body resonated with this information. Out of need.
One “drop.”
The body takes care of the rest.
Corollary: Allopathy is Propaganda
Contrast this homeopathic process with the allopathic approach.
Highly refined and concentrated solutions of one substance is administered, usually in an attempt to suppress symptoms rather than to address needs of the body.
This high concentration is administered repeatedly, multiple times a day for weeks to months at a time.
In this approach, the body is bombarded with very high copy-numbers of a piece of information until it is exhausted into submission.
How is this any different from the propagandistic approach?
It is the antithesis of that which goes viral.
Propagandists try to imitate virality in an effort to give their information legitimacy.
This is not the way.
Love it. My next deep dive (I retire soon) is homeopathy. I’ve gleaned and (sometimes has seen) the connections with water, energy, magnetism, vibrations, meditation, collective consciousnes - great potential for healing; and your article added a piece of understanding.
Resonance and harmony is all around us and homeopathy is a true "medicine" for understanding our world. I have used it as my main source of healing for over 50 years now in my family and with friends. I know of Hahnemann's books and use Swami Narayani's books as reference as well as Village and Home Kits from India. Indigenous people used treating "like with like" for eons, knowing and communicating with the plants, animals and life around them in that way. Water is sacred. Less is more, thank you for this.