Pandemic Games: The Return of COVID
On this 100th article milestone, I discuss what we knew then, what we've learned since...and most importantly, what to do next.
I want to take a moment to thank you all for your interest and support, as this article is the 100th piece I have published on Substack since this started in November of 2021:
Recently, there has been renewed interest in resurrecting the catastrophic Covid past - both from policymakers and their benefactors, as well as the masses.
Since this newsletter was born out of collateral damage from covid mandates, I want to review what we’ve learned along the way so that we know how to deal with the next wave of impositions on our lives that are already underway:
What We’ve Known All Along
There are many things which we knew before 2020 that propaganda campaigns attempted to wipe from the collective conscience.
These include:
Natural Immunity
Ineffectiveness of masks in stopping transmission of respiratory illnesses
Vaccines for respiratory illnesses have never been effective, and many have had safety legitimate safety concerns
Vitamin D is important for optimal health
People who are generally sick have poor outcomes with any infection
Then, there are things which were obvious to those with an understanding of biology - though challenging others to foresee.
For example, there has been much debate about whether mRNA/Lipid Nanoparticle technology constitutes gene therapy.
They do. Anyone who is knowledgeable and honest will admit this without hesitation.
Another example that has proven to be true as ongoing research on mRNA vaccines reveal, are the complications of these gene therapies.
First and foremost, the nature of the interactions between these injections and the cells of our bodies virtually guarantee the development of autoimmune reactions.
Based on the mechanism of action alone, I have been warning people about the potential for a whole slew of autoimmune problems - not just myocarditis.
We have found that not only is this mechanistically possible, but an article published in June 2023 showed that about 28% of people injected with mRNA covid vaccines generate autoantibodies.
‘Autoantibodies’ is science talk for antibodies that bind to and attack your own body:
One obvious objection is “but, not everyone gets autoimmune reactions!”
True. But, that doesn’t mean they wont. The above study, and indeed many others, show that there is a dose-dependent response.
Meaning: the more doses you receive, the likelihood of developing an autoimmune reaction increases.
What We’ve Learned Along the Way
Depending on how deep your head was buried in the sand, and how much you trusted the authorities, the amount you have learned during the covid era can vary.
Personally, I have learned a lot in many compartments of life and study.
For our purposes, let’s stick to information that is medically relevant.
First, it is hard to say to what degree the illness and death experienced in 2020-2021 (the grounds on which policies and mandates were based) was a result of covid or influenza and pneumonia re-branded as ‘covid.’
In 2020-2021, influenza virtually disappeared
Our PCR test kits (such as from Roche - one of the first on the market) were designed to report influenza as negative IF it was covid positive.
Most people admitted to hospital with severe covid in 2020 had a co-infection with another virus (such as influenza) or bacterial pneumonia.
These sorts of infections are often very serious, with or without covid.
Co-infection with influenza A enhances SARS-CoV-2
In 2021, these claims earned me a ‘quack’ or ‘fake doctor’ label. Now, you can find similar work both in the health blogosphere as well as published journals.
Second, learning from skeptics of all fields in the last 3 years has helped me develop a broader understanding of everything that has transpired.
Many now see that much of what is happening in society concerns far more than a respiratory viral illness.
My personal belief is that covid was cover for economic policies that would otherwise not be readily accepted by the population.
For example:
Pharma as an industry, was facing diminishing revenue in the last decade and was on track to start contracting in 2020.
Without a ‘paradigm shift,’ the industry would start to collapse and the collateral damage on the organizations which depend on its funding would be immense.
Desire to implement several new technologies into everyday life including:
Artificial Intelligence
Telecommunication & surveillance technologies
Need to shift retail from storefronts to the internet
Desire of large capital interest to buy cheap real estate
aided by increased crime and reduced crime-fighting
increased homelessness, public drug use and disorder
forced closure of small businesses by covid policies
These are just a few examples. But, when you take the changes on a broad scale…the pattern is clear.
Covid was used as a cover for sweeping economic policies that included bailing out one of the most criminal and defunct industries in the US.
Lastly, I’d like to mention a recent discovery which has really blown my mind.
First of all, the use of PCR as the de facto diagnostic tool for Covid is what allowed things to get as crazy as they did.
During SARS-1, the WHO relied on clinical evaluation to diagnose cases of SARS.
For SARS-2 (covid), however, they opted for implementing a PCR test as the diagnostic criterion.
Let’s review a few things
PCR and molecular testing are not diagnostic tools.
They have a role as screening tools, but are primarily research tools.
Clinically, PCR before covid used 20-25 amplification cycles as the limit of what can be considered a positive result.
It is well documented that >30 cycles is highly unreliable, and mostly amplify noise or exceedingly weak molecular signatures.
Most Covid PCR protocols used >40 amplification cycles - but, why?
At first, I thought this was to generate as many cases as possible to scare the population into compliance - and this is still a completely legitimate interpretation.
However, I have come across very interesting research regarding the transmission of genetic code via electromagnetic signals generated by the water that DNA is dissolved in.
It’s all very technical and sciency, but here is the gist:
Luc Montagnier’s lab dissolved bacterial DNA in a water solution, and made it more and more dilute.
With greater the dilution, they began detecting electromagnetic signals.
He then transmitted this signal to another container of water via the internet to another lab across the world.
This second container was given the contents of a PCR amplification kit.
The PCR kit made exact copies of the original bacterial DNA!
The implications of these findings are very broad, and will likely going to turn molecular biology on its head once it becomes more well known.
You will never guess the number of amplification cycles Montagnier et al had to use to get a ‘positive’ PCR result.
That’s right.
The EM signal from the DNA-water resonance is very weak (probably because the required dilution is so high), and requires higher amplification cycles for us to observe a signal using molecular testing.
In practice, what does this mean?
We can transmit electromagnetic signals across the world and cause water/fluids to resonate in such a way that a PCR test would turn up positive.
Crazy, I know.
What To Do Next?
This is where we have to get a little spiritual and philosophical.
Because of how successful the last covid campaign was, many people are skeptical that anything can be done about the next one.
This is not the case, and anyone telling you this is a double-agent.
The reality is there are far more people skeptical of covid theatrics now than there were in 2020. Magnitudes more.
Additionally, as a result of all that has been revealed about these theatrics, there are probably far more people on the fence.
I am willing to bet that, in aggregate, the realists and those on the fence outnumber the covid hysterians.
Now is the time for you to act. Now is the time for non-compliance. Now is the time for you to lead. Now is the time to practice bravery.
Courage is a habit.
It doesn’t manifest the one time when all hope is lost. On the contrary.
Courage, like any muscle, must be worked. Flexed.
It must be practiced.
Make no mistake, those wishing to subjugate you will give you plenty more opportunities to exercise courage.
Up to now it had not occurred to me that COVID provided cover for those economic policies that you listed. But yes, of course it did when you consider the axiom of all those in Permanent Washington: "Never let a crisis go to waste!" It also destroyed the last shred of credibility for mainstream media, which never stopped screaming that the mortality rate was in excess of 3%. The true rate was below 0.2%, which happened to be the number stated by then-president Trump. Everyone I know that got the Pfizer vaccine also got COVID. We got the J&J one-shot, and have not had so much as a cold in the last 4 years. But there was a suspicious hemorrhage in an eye, which fortunately resolved without issue. At this point I am so skeptical that the prospect of vaccines for shingles, pneumonia, or flu is giving me pause. By making big changes in diet and lifestyle 6 years ago, my wife and I are free of prescriptions in our mid-70s, unlike any of our friends and neighbors of similar age.
Great summary, thanks!
A concern I have is that those on the fence or fully captured by the narrative will stop listening when any suggestion of Covid being a planned event is made. Of course, some just don’t want to listen, either to their allegiance to the Covid religion, or because they are burnt out and don’t want to have to think or care about it now.
While a credible argument exists for the entire pandemic being an engineered exercise, a key point is the regardless of this possibility, the resulting response totally took advantage of the situation to implement all the interdictions mentioned in this article (and more, some yet to be realized). These social control actions were clearly driven by the overzealous (possibly well meaning) set of questionably competent public officials, as well as those intentionally doing so for whatever gain they pursued.
So in my mind, in addition to resistance to any of these Orwellian oriented “for the greater good” actions, the public MUST do what they can within their respective political systems to excise the overly susceptible, willfully or unintentionally consistently ignorant “officials” in elected or appointed positions. (Great article here: ).
And why must all the spell checkers capitalize Covid? The flu isn’t capitalized so .... This is one of those simple “right in your face” accepted things that help reinforce the narrative that no one notices. SMH.