
Kudos to you and your wife for holding steadfast 😎🔥

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Thank you for having the courage to speak up and for sharing your wife's experience with the public. Its doctors like you that give me hope that medicine isn't completely compromised.

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In April of 2021 by ob/gyn (during a regular checkup) insisted four times that I get vaccinated. Four times, each team being after I declined. I reminded her I had an autoimmune condition (Graves Disease, which was and is in remission but which caused my thyroid storm in 2018 and almost killed me) and that there was no testing on patients with autoimmune conditions and the CDC was deferring guidance. She responded each time with, “You should really get the COVID vaccine”. She unfortunately found some precancerous cells during that visit which resulted in my having to have a minor procedure in the hospital the following month-all is well now-but my husband was not allowed to accompany me. While I was in pre-op, in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV, FIVE different nurses took their turn coming in to shame me about not being vaccinated. It was intimidating. My family and I are in NJ and my husband and I often run into NYC for dinner and some time without the teens...the last year was tough. We were invited to Paris at one point in the winter for a front row fashion show as guests of the brand. But guess what? We held firm, had date nights at home and made the most of it. The same brand was happy to have us this summer as restrictions were lifted and we let EVERYONE know that we are unvaccinated. Its one of the most powerful ways to fight back. Let everyone else know that we are human too. Most people are happy to have us. I’m sorry for what your wife went through, but she probably grew incredibly from the experience. I know I did.

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My heart goes out to anyone who was able to stand firm during these high-pressure times.

I'm sorry for how my colleagues treated you.

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Thank you for the great article! And I’m so sorry for what your wife had to endure. Trauma indeed.

Not vaccinated , I was very disturbed reading the local reports about pregnant women dying...

There’s something fishy ( framing) about this:


Too, in Memphis we probably lost a very young surgeon to the vaccine along with another one in Nashville:


Then came the censorship...

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Last February, a taxi driver in Portugal and I found common ground when we both admitted we were unvaxxed. I asked at the time about covid vaxxes for Portugese pregnant women. He declared, “no they were not ALLOWED to receive the jabs” (experimental biologicals). I could not help think at the time, if Portugal has made this decision, why aren’t all other European countries doing the same.

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Thank you Drs. Norman Fenton and Remnant. This has been one true horror show. My heart goes out to all those women who took their healthcare provider’s advice to be vaxxed. The mothers to be “were doing as they were told”. The external pressures from cities and states, also pushing the vaxx narrative, was complicit. When, when will we hear from just one CDC official the words “we were wrong”.

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My sister is pregnant. I haven't bothered her with the bad news it's already too late. Time will tell how this story will end.

I have my fingers crossed for her.

I thought I would share this article from Australia because the reports are coming from senior, and formerly well respected doctors. And this, the spectator is actually a respected outlet.


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You can make a very effective pop guard by stretching pantyhose over a bent coathanger... Just saying...

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I keep hearing that those nations that took these gene manipulators are now seeing unprecedented declines in births. I also keep hearing of an increase in miscarriage. I keep hearing of increased mortality at every age level as soon as the vaccines were introduced. I keep hearing about sudden unexplainable deaths of healthy young adults. I can't imagine how people would take the new booster. Recommending this for pregnant mothers and infants seems reprehensible.

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I will never in all my life understand how these people could recommend, let alone force, pregnant women to get injected. Nor will I understand how so many of my friends - smart women who seek out the best organic food, and raw milk - would consent to such lunacy.

The people doing this truly do hate mothers and hate children.

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