I absolutely do not want the FDA to have that power. First, there is the name and the not-so-difficult reality to apprehend. It is the Federal DRUG administration. Excuse me, let me re-organize that for additional effect: it is the Federal DRUG ADMINISTRATION. And just when we thought that ‘administration’ was being used as a noun and refers to its status as a bureaucratic agency. No, no—it is a verb and it is about administering drugs, and drugs and device use, to patients.

Less sarcastic in tone though not more true, the idea of the uncaptured agency overseeing drug and device formulation, manufacture, testing etc. is a good one. But we know agencies eventually are bought and go off course.

The FDA is not the Federal Medical Administration. It it were, it would be unbiased in its promotion of simple solutions, preventive practices and healthy living that cannot be monetized.

I go to a physician precisely because medicine is still an art and it will never be completely reducible to a science—-it won’t even be reducible to bad science, though some folks keep trying.

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Doc, in the meanwhile, Ontario (Canada) are working on accelerating med school training.

"Shorten the time to get into medical school.

Shorten the duration of medical and nursing training.

Shorten residencies (post-graduate hands-on learning; like an apprenticeship)."


Do you see this model getting replicated in other parts of the world?

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So, the question is, what are we to do?

I sincerely doubt my state senators or rep care about this provision hidden away in the bloated bill.

What recourse do we have?

I am sick and tired of the F D A doing everything that is opposed to decent human compassion, everything that does good only for the pockets of the pHarma companies.

Pretty soon we will lose all the old generics that have reasonable track records, because the big companies will demand use of only their latest and greatest inventions. I present Coumadin as but one example. Why is it no longer available?

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