Hello Doc, did you get a chance to do the Radiology 101 seminar?

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May 2Liked by Remnant MD

A radiology seminar for patients and for non radiology health care professionals could improve vigilance and prevent errors.

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Since people have been asking about mammography, it is important to note that by and large mammography is a cancer screening and workup specialty.

Mammography is also, pretty unanimously, the most boring specialty in radiology for many reasons.

I have little to no interest in mammography other than as a technical analysis, insofar as the utility of screening, the way the imaging works, and if there is a clinical benefit to widespread screening.

The literature on the final point is mixed, at best.

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I have seen it suggested on Twitter that these machines are not accurately calibrated even though each hospital has at least one person on staff making sure the machines are with in spec. The accusation being people are getting exposed to way more radiation than suggested. Can you add any commentary about this aspect?

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I second the above request re: mammograms. Thank you!

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Excellent summarization clearly differentiating the pros and cons. Could you also comment on mammograms? I have been reading how they do more harm than good and as you point out, ultrasound is what should be used instead. Thanks!

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May 1Liked by Remnant MD

Thank you for this, especially for explaining the differences and pros/cons of each of these modalities. I suspect there is a lot of prejudice in the general public against the humble x-ray in favour of CTs and MRIs which are perceived as ‘better’ because they are technologically advanced.

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