Many, many thanks for your time in doing these mini lectures. As you explained, cholesterol affects all bodily systems. If the subject ever fit into another discussion, its interaction with the nervous system would be of additional interest to me. I can’t imagine that the fairly recent (negative) focus on cholesterol levels hasn’t affected the nervous system adversely, especially seeing how neurodegenerative problems have increased so much.

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Apr 19Liked by Remnant MD

Informative. Thank you. 12 years ago I had several lab values that were out of range + symptoms. Took meds for years, got worse. Stopped meds. Changed 100% of my diet and lifestyle. All labs came back into range except for total cholesterol & ldl. Symptoms disappeared. I developed a hypothesis that “high” cholesterol is probably good. Refused statins. Since then I’ve read that people who live the longest have high cholesterol. And multiple books and studies show cholesterol isn’t the problem. I ignore it & stick with my regimen. The standard of care is worse than a slow moving barge, takes 20 years to turn it around.

Report on topics you find interesting. I benefit from all of it. 😀

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Apr 19Liked by Remnant MD

What are your thoughts on Feldman's LMHR lipid energy theory?

Could it be that the lipids are being transported as food into the cells but without sufficient use of that energy, i.e., exercise, accumulate?

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LMHR seems like a valid model for understanding trafficking of highly dense sources of energy.

As the articles I cite have found, these particles move into and out of tissue at a far higher rate, than they can accumulate.

To accumulate, or be retained, some phenomenon local to the high-risk vessel wall must be present to trap the particles.

This, imo, is the proximate cause of atheroma development.

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Apr 19Liked by Remnant MD

Thanks, great info. Helps confirm my thoughts that the lipids and cholesterol are the fire fighters and not the arsonists reacting to inflammation. Agree with you as to why would my body be trying to kill me. As a heart attack survivor I'm having a hard time convincing my cardiologist and gp why I stopped taking statins after changing my diet and lifestyle habits, not only for the common sense reasons but the brain fog side effect for me was getting worse and worse.

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