Wishing you a safe and happy journey during your transition.

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Very good. Discovering Prof. Pollack's work was life changing for me - it led me onto things like Red Light and Near Infrared Therapies [ https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/red-light-and-infrared-therapies ], benefits of walking barefoot outside, proper hydration (e.g. the book "Quench" is based on Pollack's work), understanding microcirculation, etc.

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The implications of his work are many and varied. Still thinking through many of it.

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Pollack's work helped me understand the relationship between fire and water e.g. The Sun & Earth - I was blown away when I learned how water absorbs infrared light. So much power out there for us to apply. I'd be curious to know what your thoughts are / how you go about structuring your water Remnant MD?

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Did you know that Hahnemman is the only doctor yo have a statue in Washington DC?

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Pachelbel's Canon in D major at 429.62 Hz water pitch by Tommi Jack's

Pachelbel's Canon in D major was written around 1680 during the Baroque period. The adaptation proposed here consists in reproducing this piece with period instruments and, above all, using the quantum frequency of water (429.62 Hz) as the pitch, derived from the work of Joël Sternheimer and taken up by Marc Henry. According to Joël Sternheimer's work, this melody contains the musical notes of a GTPase anti-stress protein. Many thanks to Tommi Jack's for agreeing to produce this superb adaptation, which will bring tears to more than one's eyes...


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