And i will say as a patient we can feel the algorithmic care. The doctor often becomes nothing more than a half computer, an AI that's more prejudice than actual AI, a shill paid to show up for 15 minutes, a prescription dispenser. Someone who googles your symptoms in front of you and hands you a $500 bill. clever patients learn to game this system for better or worse. they learn it's not in their best interest to mention anxiety or depression if they want to be taken seriously and tested for something else, they learn to leave out all their symptoms and focus on the worst one to get care because that's all there's time for. They also know if they want to, say, try adhd medication to look up and recite the appropriate symptoms. It becomes a soulless transaction like going through the jiffy lube, but with much less friendliness and a much longer wait time to be serviced.

a lot of people arent aware evidence based medicine philosophically was designed to have three equal principles: scientific evidence, patient values, and clincial expertise. When's the last time it felt like these were all respected?

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Things laymen need to know in order to be their own best healthcare provider! Thank you!

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I enjoy and appreciate your work here. And kudos to you for not bending the knee to the medical tyranny. 👏

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Ex Gyn Obst here. MD as well. Fled the city, worked in rural area to bring women’s health to deprived patients. But even there the powerful arm of algorithms, drug industry, pressure from medical council defeated my enthusiasm. I gave up. It all has to be re built. Everything.

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I enjoy your summary of medical school training. As a retired pharmacist it rings true to me in my observation of the medical system. This summary shifts me from the horror of the past 4 years and reminds me of why I went into healthcare. Unfortunately the evil in the system has to be recognized as I am sure you know. The most difficult part for me is trying to learn compassion for my misguided decisions and for the individuals still trapped in the system.

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Qué ha pasado con la medicina, qué está pasando y qué va a pasar, en medio de tantos intereses económicos, en donde la salud de los pacientes, pareciera que no es la primera preocupación de los mismos sistemas de salud y de toda la estructura,desde la formación de los profesionales de la medicina, la producción de medicamentos y vacunas, la "aparición de pandemias" , el control de las mismas y el control de toda la estructura de la salud en el mundo . Interesante abordaje el del artículo. Gracias Doctor, quedamos pendientes.

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AHA is Pharma directed crap. Must leave the world of voluminous colonoscopies and seek alternative healthcare. MDs are owned by the corporations and their independence stifled by a paycheck.

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You’ve painted a picture that is suggests not only the weakness in the US’s inherent structure of medicine, but also that in the general system of protocols practiced by the profession. It seems the optimal solution is to seek help elsewhere. Thankfully, there are other viable alternatives. The problem is that a lot of people tend to trust the white coated fellows.

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