If I had found this article sooner, I would have been a paid subscriber instantly. When I found Pollack's article I started jumping up and down, and doing backflips - anything to get people's attention. It's a BIG DEAL that is not yet getting the traction that it deserves (aside from Cowan).
It explains why when particulate matter in the atmosphere reduces the negative charge in the air that we breathe, it can have a profound impact on a subset of very sensitive people. Think smoking, as well as the wildfires in recent news.
And it also explains why lung function is the best predictor of mortality - chronic low lung function means you are in a prolonged energy deficit - the process of circling the drain has begun.
I haven't finished reading yet but just got so excited because this all confirms why and how my frequency device works so well because we are electrical beings first and foremost!
Given only so much time in the day, it's hard to want to dive into blood flow without reference to Tom Cowan and to want to embark on salt plus water without reference to Jane 333.
What keeps me up at night: Air. Well the thought of what it actually is and how we interact with it. People were so quick to start chopping and disecting things, creating names for items and processes they don't understand. We are in an age of new discovery, and this article will help me sleep at night. In my contemplation I called the invisible variable that we actually gather from air 'X' or magic. But now I'll call it electrons or magic 😊. Thank you!
I'll comment on a few things that contradict physics as we know it (and is trivially demonstrable by exepriments).
The common form of oxygen in the nature (air) is O2 not O, the difference being that O2 (or O=O) already lacks 2 elctrons (and shares 2 with the other O atom) and has overall lower energy than 2xO. I'll briefly mention Ozone O3 molecule which shares 2 and 4 electrons (so 6 electrons are missing compared to 3xO). Ozone is formed by UV light/energy knocking out 2 electrons from O2 molecules creating an unstable O3 mollecule. O3 is much more (oxidizing = "stealing" electrons from other molecules) than O2.
So when you breathe air, there really is no surpluss of electrons for you to steal/use. The energy for your body is created by oxidization = stealing of electrons by oxygen from other chemical compounds to create oxygen related chemical compounds that have overall lower energy then source compounds thus releasing the energy your body needs.
As for Nitrogen, N2 is very inert and does not react because its energy level is very very low thanks to 3 shared electrons. It is extremely hard to break N2 bonds (which is demonstrable in reverse by nitrogen based explosives like TNT where nitrates combine into very low energy N2 releasing in the process tremendous amount of energy).
As for the dog experiment, it is known that you can in emergency replace blood with isotonic salt solution, but salt solution is not blood. You do not mention whether dog's "blood" in the experiment has been checked as the time went on.. I would bet that dog was young/strong and managed to replace the loss of real blood by generating new one allowing him to survive. The loss of blood in the dog's body most likely triggered "starvation" mode forcing the body to eat/salvage all the non-functioning cells thus in the process rejuvenating itself. You can achieve similar effect simply by not eating for days, weeks (I would not recommend longer unless you have very good reasons for it and know what you are doing).
Biology is downstream of chemistry, and chemistry is downstream of physics. Nothing can happen in biology that violates the laws of physics, and so there would need to be an explanation that "works" at the level of physics. What you present here is predicated on that logic, and makes sense.
Somewhat related to this, I recently came across Thomas Cowan's arguments about why the heart is not a pump, and that the circulation of the blood is "powered" by osmotic forces at the capillary (not arterial / venous) level. Also very elucidating and eye-opening. He has an entire book on the subject of cardiovascular health: Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor's Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease. The same idea is presented in a briefer format in a single chapter of his more general book on health and medicine: The Fourfold Path to Healing.
i am amazed that his book is in my local library system! Just got it on hold and can't wait to read. Also, physics is downstream of philosophy in the west.
Obviously, nitrogen passes through the alveolar membrane otherwise, nitrogen bends wouldn't be a problem for scuba divers. Right? If there isn't presently an active transfer of nitrogen across this membrane it's only because nitrogen in the blood stream has reached equilibrium with the atmospheric concentration of nitrogen!
Per AI...
QUESTION: "Why does oxygen pass into our blood stream via the alveoli and capillaries and not nitrogen?"
Oxygen passes into the bloodstream via the alveoli and capillaries due to a concentration gradient. When we inhale, air enters the lungs and fills the alveoli, which are tiny sacs surrounded by capillaries. The oxygen in the alveoli has a higher concentration than the oxygen in the deoxygenated blood flowing through the surrounding capillaries. This concentration difference creates a gradient that allows oxygen to diffuse from the alveoli into the blood.
Nitrogen Exhalation
Nitrogen, on the other hand, is not absorbed into the bloodstream because it does not have a sufficient concentration gradient to drive diffusion. The concentration of nitrogen in the alveoli is similar to its concentration in the capillaries, as both are in equilibrium with the atmospheric nitrogen. Therefore, nitrogen does not have a strong incentive to move across the alveolar-capillary membrane.
Active Transport Not Required
The alveolar-capillary membrane is permeable to gases, allowing for passive diffusion. No active transport mechanisms, like those found in cell membranes, are necessary for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The tiny size and structure of the alveoli and capillaries enable gases to move freely across the membrane, driven solely by concentration gradients.
In summary, oxygen passes into the bloodstream via the alveoli and capillaries due to a concentration gradient, while nitrogen is exhaled because it does not have a sufficient concentration gradient to drive diffusion. The passive diffusion process, facilitated by the permeable alveolar-capillary membrane, allows for efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, but not nitrogen.
The AI response fails to mention the reason for this disparity which is that our bodies **consume** oxygen (much like an engine does); that is, it transforms it mostly into carbon dioxide thus depleting its concentration in the blood stream, but nitrogen on the other hand isn't consumed and therefore its concentration remains pretty much constant (assuming it has reached equilibrium with the atmosphere).
Well, it certainly addressed that "hole"! And I'm not interested in addressing any others. I've pointed out your article states that nitrogen doesn't cross the alveolar membrane when clearly, it does. This is so beyond fundamental that I can't even imagine how anyone could possibly read beyond this. And no, I haven't just "captured the mainstream education" here. Believe it or not, not everything we're taught in school is a lie any more than everything we read online is the truth!
We breathe in water vapor and salt, which is why clouds appear white instead of clear. This also explains why greenhouses emphasize humidity rather than oxygen levels.
It’s the same reason the northern climate in America can sustain breathable air during winter, even when greenery is scarce and not supplementing oxygen.
Oil, on the other hand, is water that has been absorbed and transformed as it sinks deep into the Earth. As water from trees and foliage descends, it accumulates impurities under increasing pressure, acting like a sponge that absorbs more and more along the way.
Or you can believe the shit comes from "dinosaur fossils", lmao.
The only scarcity in this world, is what we refer to as "common sense"
Gerald read my work and because he can’t let the model of H2O of water go he’s gone with electrons. Both are imaginary or theoretical.
Two dry combustible gases hydrogen and oxygen do not make water. The demonstration used to in our schooled daze does not account for condensation of room air onto the glass flask.
Electrons remain theoretical and the atomic model was installed without debate. As the royal society has done with every one of the theories taught in our schools. We’ve been living in a curated/censored educational environment for hundreds of years. Repeating and regurgitating and rarely challenging.
Gerald can’t challenge the establishment in the same sense I can because he relies upon funding.
The dog salt water blood replacement experiment supports my writing in the article We breathe air not oxygen.
The lungs are rehydrating the red blood cells with saline water in the lungs. Zero oxygen is required.
This is why the saline IV is the hospital’s no 1 remedy.
The red light monitoring is checking for red blood cell hydration not oxygenation. Our physiology is underpinned by hydration. Hydration equals salt plus water. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Water follows salt.
Read my article: We breathe air not oxygen. I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.
The only difference between air and oxygen is moisture. There is no naturally occurring oxygen or nitrogen in the air we breathe. Nitrogen or nitr-o-gen is a product of oxygen. It’s the non combustible version of oxygen. It’s synthetic smoke.
Oxygen and nitrogen have zero humidity. As these gases are alleged to make up 99% of air, this would cause to be at air zero humidity. This doesn’t match reality.
Instead we know temperature determines the holding power of air to retain moisture. Copilot supplied me these temps and moisture figures.
At -20 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 1g/cubic meter
At 20 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 17g/cubic meter.
At 45 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 65g/cubic meter.
At 55 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 147g/cubic meter.
Mt Everest temperatures: -35 to -55 Celsius (-31 to -67 F)
Planes cruise in air -54 to -60 Celsius, a maximum of 0.64g/ cubic meter which (thanks to copilot) converts to 559ppm of water contamination.
Now let’s compare this to manufactured oxygen.
Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.
Industrial oxygen has 0.5ppm of water contamination.
Do you see the problem for the lungs?
Oxygen toxicity is well known and it is mitigated with humidifiers. Oxygen released from containment extracts moisture from its surroundings to return to its natural state: moist air. When oxygen is released inside the respiratory tract, it extracts moisture. This causes dehydration and dysfunction and it can cause demise. The pathological damage oxygen does has been labeled reactive oxygen species ROS.
Oxygen has been the poisoners perfect poison.
I suggest you read my three articles and ponder. Curiosity will help you through cognitive dissonance.
Click on my blue icon to find them.
Once hydration replaces the malfeasant mis-direction of oxygenation. Dis-ease is easily understood. Dehydration is our Achilles heel. All dis-ease begins with dryness.
ATP is likely a phosphate surfactant.
The red blood cells carry salt water.
The haemoglobin is likely a sponge like protein that accommodates salt water distribution.
NaCl is the workhorse.
Blood pressure is a result of the lungs and kidneys and in emergencies the adrenals managing blood volume.
Low salt from the salt restriction malfeasant directive has caused the massive rise in chronic dis-ease. Look at the rise from the late 70s to the present.
Low salt/dehydration/hyponatremia are all the same thing.
I present an alternative explanation for the structure of air and water.
Air and water are the same element.
They interchange because they are simply in different energy states.
Air is bubbles.
Water is full bubbles or drops.
Air becomes water when it loses energy.
Water becomes air when it gains energy.
The oceans make the air we breathe.
Every wave releases bubbles of salty water. The salt water bubbles form clouds.
A cold front brings rain.
A hot day causes evaporation that you can see after a rain shower.
There is much to review and scrutinise to re-establish truth in medicine and science. It is the WILD WEST.
Did you ever bother to perform experiment(s) to support you theories?
The physics as we know it is theoretical (which obviously has different meaning to non-scientists) and is very much confirmed by numerous experiments and all the technology you use in your daily lives relies on it.
I stopped after "do we breathe air or oxygen" as it made no sense.
Same goes for "Peter and Pete" water videos ..
That is why I said: devise an experiment (or experiments) that will confirm your "theory" on breathing air/water - i.e. remove oxygen from the air and *breathe* and tell me how that worked out for you.
It is easy to make things up w/o ever having to demonstrate anything, it is called religion not science.
Reading or watching a demonstration is not a dangerous activity, especially reading / watching material that counters the mainstream narrative. It’s thought provoking.
The questioners are a necessary part of our society. We’ve been living in a curated/censored/sheltered learning environment for hundreds of years. Our textbooks and teachers have been handed complete narratives that were established without rigorous debate in the scientific community.
Look back through history, each theory should have won on its merits. Instead we see them come into being via political backing, little dissenting voices. The royal societies promote the-story, theory and its added to the ‘knowledge’ bank.
Cv19 illustrated the danger of this approach. Due diligence is a life skill.
The backing for my assertions are contained in my articles.
Cognitive dissonance is a program that is set up in our schooled daze.
As children we accepted everything we were taught by authority figures.
We were rewarded with A’s for being great repeaters.
As adults we can use scrutiny to review what we accepted without question. This is where truth is found.
Curiosity is the tool to use when one desires to break the cognitive dissonance program.
Read the alternative narrative, ponder, and agree or disagree.
There is little point sitting on the side lines yelling, you can’t disagree with the mainstream because they are well established and I like them.
Either read my articles and counter any of my points like an adult or move on.
What a diatribe when a simple experiment would do ..
Lets pick the simplest point: "Nitrogen gas is oxygen gas plus carbon particles."
Please demonstrate by an experiment creation of Nitrogen from Oxygen and Carbon (particles), where Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon are defined as science defines them (elements).
I've kind of gone to the edge on this myself .. I used to freedive for long periods in the sea in the cold.. The relationship between consciousness , prana. 'ether' , plasma are all rather intriguing. We did some long fasts also of around 40 days each .. drinking mineral/saline water .. breath holding became much easier . Ive also been told that caucasians respire through our skin to a small degree.. there is some exchange going on at the skin surface which makes it easier t=for us to breath hold in the sea and less so on land.
My Dr/biochemist partner never manged to convince me that chemistry was not a corrupt version of physics . Actually chemistry was the only subject I refused to learn during education , because physics seemed to be a far better way to get at the arena it covered.
When I was super good at breath holds I could easily anticipate aurora and plasma storms a few days before they arrived.. also meteors, which is something I still cant quite grasp ..
I dont think we yet have the right terms for many of these processes. This is why modern technical science must make huge efforts to not overwrite traditional knowledge . Its vital we dont mess up at this point :(
If I had found this article sooner, I would have been a paid subscriber instantly. When I found Pollack's article I started jumping up and down, and doing backflips - anything to get people's attention. It's a BIG DEAL that is not yet getting the traction that it deserves (aside from Cowan).
It explains why when particulate matter in the atmosphere reduces the negative charge in the air that we breathe, it can have a profound impact on a subset of very sensitive people. Think smoking, as well as the wildfires in recent news.
And it also explains why lung function is the best predictor of mortality - chronic low lung function means you are in a prolonged energy deficit - the process of circling the drain has begun.
Tom Cowan covered this on Wednesday.
I haven't finished reading yet but just got so excited because this all confirms why and how my frequency device works so well because we are electrical beings first and foremost!
Given only so much time in the day, it's hard to want to dive into blood flow without reference to Tom Cowan and to want to embark on salt plus water without reference to Jane 333.
Did the dog experiment ever bother to draw some seawater afterwards and analyze it ?
After 3 months, 6 months , one year??
Maybe the seawater turned to blood? Maybe it’s still as is?
It’s baffling this wasn’t mentioned ?!
What keeps me up at night: Air. Well the thought of what it actually is and how we interact with it. People were so quick to start chopping and disecting things, creating names for items and processes they don't understand. We are in an age of new discovery, and this article will help me sleep at night. In my contemplation I called the invisible variable that we actually gather from air 'X' or magic. But now I'll call it electrons or magic 😊. Thank you!
I'll comment on a few things that contradict physics as we know it (and is trivially demonstrable by exepriments).
The common form of oxygen in the nature (air) is O2 not O, the difference being that O2 (or O=O) already lacks 2 elctrons (and shares 2 with the other O atom) and has overall lower energy than 2xO. I'll briefly mention Ozone O3 molecule which shares 2 and 4 electrons (so 6 electrons are missing compared to 3xO). Ozone is formed by UV light/energy knocking out 2 electrons from O2 molecules creating an unstable O3 mollecule. O3 is much more (oxidizing = "stealing" electrons from other molecules) than O2.
So when you breathe air, there really is no surpluss of electrons for you to steal/use. The energy for your body is created by oxidization = stealing of electrons by oxygen from other chemical compounds to create oxygen related chemical compounds that have overall lower energy then source compounds thus releasing the energy your body needs.
As for Nitrogen, N2 is very inert and does not react because its energy level is very very low thanks to 3 shared electrons. It is extremely hard to break N2 bonds (which is demonstrable in reverse by nitrogen based explosives like TNT where nitrates combine into very low energy N2 releasing in the process tremendous amount of energy).
As for the dog experiment, it is known that you can in emergency replace blood with isotonic salt solution, but salt solution is not blood. You do not mention whether dog's "blood" in the experiment has been checked as the time went on.. I would bet that dog was young/strong and managed to replace the loss of real blood by generating new one allowing him to survive. The loss of blood in the dog's body most likely triggered "starvation" mode forcing the body to eat/salvage all the non-functioning cells thus in the process rejuvenating itself. You can achieve similar effect simply by not eating for days, weeks (I would not recommend longer unless you have very good reasons for it and know what you are doing).
Biology is downstream of chemistry, and chemistry is downstream of physics. Nothing can happen in biology that violates the laws of physics, and so there would need to be an explanation that "works" at the level of physics. What you present here is predicated on that logic, and makes sense.
Somewhat related to this, I recently came across Thomas Cowan's arguments about why the heart is not a pump, and that the circulation of the blood is "powered" by osmotic forces at the capillary (not arterial / venous) level. Also very elucidating and eye-opening. He has an entire book on the subject of cardiovascular health: Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor's Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease. The same idea is presented in a briefer format in a single chapter of his more general book on health and medicine: The Fourfold Path to Healing.
i am amazed that his book is in my local library system! Just got it on hold and can't wait to read. Also, physics is downstream of philosophy in the west.
Obviously, nitrogen passes through the alveolar membrane otherwise, nitrogen bends wouldn't be a problem for scuba divers. Right? If there isn't presently an active transfer of nitrogen across this membrane it's only because nitrogen in the blood stream has reached equilibrium with the atmospheric concentration of nitrogen!
Per AI...
QUESTION: "Why does oxygen pass into our blood stream via the alveoli and capillaries and not nitrogen?"
Oxygen Gas Exchange Process
Oxygen passes into the bloodstream via the alveoli and capillaries due to a concentration gradient. When we inhale, air enters the lungs and fills the alveoli, which are tiny sacs surrounded by capillaries. The oxygen in the alveoli has a higher concentration than the oxygen in the deoxygenated blood flowing through the surrounding capillaries. This concentration difference creates a gradient that allows oxygen to diffuse from the alveoli into the blood.
Nitrogen Exhalation
Nitrogen, on the other hand, is not absorbed into the bloodstream because it does not have a sufficient concentration gradient to drive diffusion. The concentration of nitrogen in the alveoli is similar to its concentration in the capillaries, as both are in equilibrium with the atmospheric nitrogen. Therefore, nitrogen does not have a strong incentive to move across the alveolar-capillary membrane.
Active Transport Not Required
The alveolar-capillary membrane is permeable to gases, allowing for passive diffusion. No active transport mechanisms, like those found in cell membranes, are necessary for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The tiny size and structure of the alveoli and capillaries enable gases to move freely across the membrane, driven solely by concentration gradients.
In summary, oxygen passes into the bloodstream via the alveoli and capillaries due to a concentration gradient, while nitrogen is exhaled because it does not have a sufficient concentration gradient to drive diffusion. The passive diffusion process, facilitated by the permeable alveolar-capillary membrane, allows for efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, but not nitrogen.
The AI response fails to mention the reason for this disparity which is that our bodies **consume** oxygen (much like an engine does); that is, it transforms it mostly into carbon dioxide thus depleting its concentration in the blood stream, but nitrogen on the other hand isn't consumed and therefore its concentration remains pretty much constant (assuming it has reached equilibrium with the atmosphere).
Yes. You have captured the mainstream education on this topic. However, it doesn't address the holes in the model.
Well, it certainly addressed that "hole"! And I'm not interested in addressing any others. I've pointed out your article states that nitrogen doesn't cross the alveolar membrane when clearly, it does. This is so beyond fundamental that I can't even imagine how anyone could possibly read beyond this. And no, I haven't just "captured the mainstream education" here. Believe it or not, not everything we're taught in school is a lie any more than everything we read online is the truth!
We breathe in water vapor and salt, which is why clouds appear white instead of clear. This also explains why greenhouses emphasize humidity rather than oxygen levels.
It’s the same reason the northern climate in America can sustain breathable air during winter, even when greenery is scarce and not supplementing oxygen.
Oil, on the other hand, is water that has been absorbed and transformed as it sinks deep into the Earth. As water from trees and foliage descends, it accumulates impurities under increasing pressure, acting like a sponge that absorbs more and more along the way.
Or you can believe the shit comes from "dinosaur fossils", lmao.
The only scarcity in this world, is what we refer to as "common sense"
Hi Remmant MD
Gerald read my work and because he can’t let the model of H2O of water go he’s gone with electrons. Both are imaginary or theoretical.
Two dry combustible gases hydrogen and oxygen do not make water. The demonstration used to in our schooled daze does not account for condensation of room air onto the glass flask.
Electrons remain theoretical and the atomic model was installed without debate. As the royal society has done with every one of the theories taught in our schools. We’ve been living in a curated/censored educational environment for hundreds of years. Repeating and regurgitating and rarely challenging.
Gerald can’t challenge the establishment in the same sense I can because he relies upon funding.
The dog salt water blood replacement experiment supports my writing in the article We breathe air not oxygen.
The lungs are rehydrating the red blood cells with saline water in the lungs. Zero oxygen is required.
This is why the saline IV is the hospital’s no 1 remedy.
The red light monitoring is checking for red blood cell hydration not oxygenation. Our physiology is underpinned by hydration. Hydration equals salt plus water. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Water follows salt.
Read my article: We breathe air not oxygen. I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.
The only difference between air and oxygen is moisture. There is no naturally occurring oxygen or nitrogen in the air we breathe. Nitrogen or nitr-o-gen is a product of oxygen. It’s the non combustible version of oxygen. It’s synthetic smoke.
Oxygen and nitrogen have zero humidity. As these gases are alleged to make up 99% of air, this would cause to be at air zero humidity. This doesn’t match reality.
Instead we know temperature determines the holding power of air to retain moisture. Copilot supplied me these temps and moisture figures.
At -20 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 1g/cubic meter
At 20 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 17g/cubic meter.
At 45 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 65g/cubic meter.
At 55 Celsius air can hold a maximum of 147g/cubic meter.
Mt Everest temperatures: -35 to -55 Celsius (-31 to -67 F)
Planes cruise in air -54 to -60 Celsius, a maximum of 0.64g/ cubic meter which (thanks to copilot) converts to 559ppm of water contamination.
Now let’s compare this to manufactured oxygen.
Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.
Industrial oxygen has 0.5ppm of water contamination.
Do you see the problem for the lungs?
Oxygen toxicity is well known and it is mitigated with humidifiers. Oxygen released from containment extracts moisture from its surroundings to return to its natural state: moist air. When oxygen is released inside the respiratory tract, it extracts moisture. This causes dehydration and dysfunction and it can cause demise. The pathological damage oxygen does has been labeled reactive oxygen species ROS.
Oxygen has been the poisoners perfect poison.
I suggest you read my three articles and ponder. Curiosity will help you through cognitive dissonance.
Click on my blue icon to find them.
Once hydration replaces the malfeasant mis-direction of oxygenation. Dis-ease is easily understood. Dehydration is our Achilles heel. All dis-ease begins with dryness.
ATP is likely a phosphate surfactant.
The red blood cells carry salt water.
The haemoglobin is likely a sponge like protein that accommodates salt water distribution.
NaCl is the workhorse.
Blood pressure is a result of the lungs and kidneys and in emergencies the adrenals managing blood volume.
Low salt from the salt restriction malfeasant directive has caused the massive rise in chronic dis-ease. Look at the rise from the late 70s to the present.
Low salt/dehydration/hyponatremia are all the same thing.
I present an alternative explanation for the structure of air and water.
Air and water are the same element.
They interchange because they are simply in different energy states.
Air is bubbles.
Water is full bubbles or drops.
Air becomes water when it loses energy.
Water becomes air when it gains energy.
The oceans make the air we breathe.
Every wave releases bubbles of salty water. The salt water bubbles form clouds.
A cold front brings rain.
A hot day causes evaporation that you can see after a rain shower.
There is much to review and scrutinise to re-establish truth in medicine and science. It is the WILD WEST.
Did you ever bother to perform experiment(s) to support you theories?
The physics as we know it is theoretical (which obviously has different meaning to non-scientists) and is very much confirmed by numerous experiments and all the technology you use in your daily lives relies on it.
Have you read my three articles?
I stopped after "do we breathe air or oxygen" as it made no sense.
Same goes for "Peter and Pete" water videos ..
That is why I said: devise an experiment (or experiments) that will confirm your "theory" on breathing air/water - i.e. remove oxygen from the air and *breathe* and tell me how that worked out for you.
It is easy to make things up w/o ever having to demonstrate anything, it is called religion not science.
Reading or watching a demonstration is not a dangerous activity, especially reading / watching material that counters the mainstream narrative. It’s thought provoking.
The questioners are a necessary part of our society. We’ve been living in a curated/censored/sheltered learning environment for hundreds of years. Our textbooks and teachers have been handed complete narratives that were established without rigorous debate in the scientific community.
Look back through history, each theory should have won on its merits. Instead we see them come into being via political backing, little dissenting voices. The royal societies promote the-story, theory and its added to the ‘knowledge’ bank.
Cv19 illustrated the danger of this approach. Due diligence is a life skill.
The backing for my assertions are contained in my articles.
Cognitive dissonance is a program that is set up in our schooled daze.
As children we accepted everything we were taught by authority figures.
We were rewarded with A’s for being great repeaters.
As adults we can use scrutiny to review what we accepted without question. This is where truth is found.
Curiosity is the tool to use when one desires to break the cognitive dissonance program.
Read the alternative narrative, ponder, and agree or disagree.
There is little point sitting on the side lines yelling, you can’t disagree with the mainstream because they are well established and I like them.
Either read my articles and counter any of my points like an adult or move on.
What a diatribe when a simple experiment would do ..
Lets pick the simplest point: "Nitrogen gas is oxygen gas plus carbon particles."
Please demonstrate by an experiment creation of Nitrogen from Oxygen and Carbon (particles), where Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon are defined as science defines them (elements).
Define each Igor
How are they physically defined? What are the properties of each that would enable one to determine one from the other?
Clue, watch Pete and Peter’s video.
The glowing splint test.
Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen, especially the lines after inhalation.
The parameters of purity for both assigned by gas manufacturers.
Very interesting and though provoking... I keep hoping Prof. Pollack will finally published his book "Charged"...
Outstanding Article!
Now we are getting somewhere.
Energy is the transduction of field energies, encompassing the rotation and polarization of " electrons" or magnetic fields.
The air is yhe perfect combination and medium for this process.
after all,
We are electromagnetic beings
Nice one Remnant MD
Regarding brain death of the poor dog.. you might want to note this ? :(
I've kind of gone to the edge on this myself .. I used to freedive for long periods in the sea in the cold.. The relationship between consciousness , prana. 'ether' , plasma are all rather intriguing. We did some long fasts also of around 40 days each .. drinking mineral/saline water .. breath holding became much easier . Ive also been told that caucasians respire through our skin to a small degree.. there is some exchange going on at the skin surface which makes it easier t=for us to breath hold in the sea and less so on land.
My Dr/biochemist partner never manged to convince me that chemistry was not a corrupt version of physics . Actually chemistry was the only subject I refused to learn during education , because physics seemed to be a far better way to get at the arena it covered.
When I was super good at breath holds I could easily anticipate aurora and plasma storms a few days before they arrived.. also meteors, which is something I still cant quite grasp ..
I dont think we yet have the right terms for many of these processes. This is why modern technical science must make huge efforts to not overwrite traditional knowledge . Its vital we dont mess up at this point :(
Love the article! That's why 5G absorbs oxygen at 60 GHz, by not stealing air, but by using electrons.