Pandemic Hydra: Paralyzed by Fear or Confusion?
One reason why the average person may be so hesitant to turn on the COVID narrative is they are overwhelmed by the complexity, with perpetrators at every layer of civil society, academia, and markets.
Pushed to the Limits
One of the most interesting phenomena to have arisen during the chaos that has unfolded in the last 2 years, is the inability of the average person to turn on the very structures which have failed us so gloriously.
To be fair, each one of the following events has had incremental success in turning the tide, from the stay-at-home parent to well-respected physicians and public health professionals.
Two weeks to flatten the curve.
Masks and social distancing.
Testing to do anything, or go anywhere.
Discouraged from seeing our friends and loved ones for months.
Family dying alone, without visitation.
Small, and now medium-size business shutting down en-masse.
Trillions in wealth transfer.
Subsidized development of vaccines.
Rushed authorization and dispersion of novel gene-therapeutic technology.
Mass-vaccination campaigns against advice of some experts.
Vaccine mandates.
Loss of livelihood in the event of non-compliance.
Smear campaigns, and outright academic and regulatory fraud committed against early treatment options.
Suspension of prescribing rights for physicians who exercise their clinical expertise to use medication off-label.
Continued masking and social distancing even after vaccinated
and now, Booster mandates.
Oh and, threatening the livelihood and future of our children at every step along the way.
It is all a bit overwhelming isn't it?
Lessons from ‘The Great’
For reasons that may be self-evident, it is hard to pinpoint the culprit in this clusterfuck.
Does the fault ultimately lie with corrupt politicians? Big Pharma? Bill Gates? Blackrock? Fauci and his minions?
It's all very confusing.
I recently started watching The Great, a new series from Hulu which comedically explores the drama of the Russian court during the rise of Catherine the Great.
The show starts after the passing of Peter the Great, with his successor Peter III (played by Nicholas Hoult) at the throne. He is obviously young, crude, careless, and selfish.
The Archbishop (Archie) recommends Peter take Catherine's hand in marriage. This was rather striking. In one of the early episodes Archie mourns the difficulty with which the marriage is developing, and is rather disappointed in the lack of change within Peter himself.
It occurred to me that Archie had motivated Peter to marry not in hopes of siring an heir, but in hopes of maturing the man. Peter is nuts. In one scene he ushers the decapitated heads of the Swedes (who they are at war with), so that the courtesans may marvel at them while eating dinner. Then, noticing the eyes of the disembodied men awkwardly staring at them, he orders his dinner guests to gouge them out and proceed with the meal.
Archie's goal in advising the Emperor is to shift his sentiments such that his priorities and behavior align with the interests of the Church. One way he does this is by motivating a marriage. His hope is that marriage, and ultimately fatherhood, would mature Peter with commitment and responsibility. In turn, these attributes are more likely to result in behavior which align with the Church.
Rather clever. It also makes one think that at some level, this may be a motivation of nearly all council to Emperors, Executives, Heads of State, and Representatives.
And, after all, is this not also what lobbyists do?
Entice their targets with wealth, power, debauchery? What is this for, if not to skew the interests of the target, such that they align with the interests of the benefactor?
Who are the Pandemic Bishops?
Who are the Bishops in our current predicament? Who do we blame? Who do we persecute?
In one sense, it is a no-brainer, since Saint Anthony Faucinius has declared himself to be “The Science” on live television, direct from his pulpit without a shred of irony stating in the third-person that “attacks on Anthony Fauci are attacks on Science itself!”
But, I guess it depends on the problem you want to solve.
For example, in the case of employer discrimination on the basis of vaccination status, it would seem enticing to go after the employer.
But, would the employer get away with this were it not for legislators and the judicial branch? Does it not, then, make sense to go after legislators, and to do so in open court? Set one precedent, and free the population?
Relatively little will get done suing a private entity trying to enforce a mandate on its employees. But if you sue the mayor? governor? President? Well...current developments show us this is the way.
NBC: Growing number of companies suspend vaccine mandates, including hospitals and Amtrak
Once we've gotten our jobs back, we need to consider how we got here.
Why did our legislators either allow this by omission, or enact this upon us by force? Who swayed them?
Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna? Almost certainly.
I know we call them “Pharmaceuticals” but in actuality they are multi-national criminal enterprises. If you don’t believe me, just look at their violation record.
According to Violations Tracker, since the year 2000 “Pharmaceutical” companies have payed just over $86 Billion in legal fines, including criminal and civil fines.
Worse yet, the Top 10 companies account for over $65 Billion of these fines.
Pfizer still holds the record for the highest single criminal fine paid in the history of the Department of Justice, approximately $1.3 Billion.
For a perfect illustration of how they commit these crimes, a mini-series called Dopesick dramatizes the process by which Purdue Pharma (#4 on the Top 10 above) orchestrated the Opioid Epidemic.
And, for those of you thinking this sort of behavior is merely historical: Purdue’s product hit the market in the 90s. Early investigations and trials occurred in the early 2000s. As recently as October 2020:
Just as the Sackler family (owners of Purdue) thought they were out of the woods:
The Usual Suspects
Corrupt regulators? It would be hard to imagine Pharma getting away with these recurring scandals without the involvement of regulators.
Furthermore, it wouldn't be outlandish to suggest that our regulators have a history of involvement in these things: e.g. Tuskegee, Purdue, etc
Globalist corporate interests? They aren't even secretive about it. Their plans are literally out in the open and they proudly use "pandemic" as cover for their 4th industrial revolution roadmap.
Should they too be brought to justice?
Light at the End of the Road
From my perspective, the light at the end is bringing all parties to justice. However, we are likely to fall short of that goal, given the size of this multi-headed international Hydra.
First we saw employer discrimination claims filed with some positive results insofar as employees managed to get injunctions against their employer.
Then, cases were brought against City and State legislators, again with variable success.
Finally, several Federal court claims went in the favor of the people with respect to Federal vaccine mandates, OSHA, and CMS policies. This culminated in President Biden finally admitting that there is no federal solution.
In a story that warmed my heart to read, I’d like to bring you the Final Boss:
A group based out of the UK have used the evidence and testimony gathered in collaboration with the Berlin Corona Committee, headed by Reiner Fuellmich et al, and brought charges of Crimes Against Humanity to dozens involved in this global racket.
I, for one, wish them well and hope they succeed.
But, I will settle for my rights & freedoms.
Follow me on Twitter: @RemnantMD