International Grand Jury | Day 2: Historical Background
An international grand jury investigating crimes against humanity have kicked off.
Introducing the Grand Jury
For those of you who have no clue what this is about, you would benefit from this twitter thread breaking the players down:
In brief, four German lawyers with experience in consumer protection and medical legal cases formed an investigative committee in July 2020, with the goal of understanding what events had transpired surrounding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. They witnessed and broadcast testimony from experts across the globe with a diverse set of knowledge concerned with microbiology, outbreaks, and global interventions.
For a summary of the people interviewed, I discuss in a prior article everyone from Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Catherine Austin Fitts to infamous professor of psychology Mattias Desmet and his discussion of Mass Formation.
After the legal team gathered this information, the Corona Investigative Committee collaborated with lawyers around the world in prosecuting governments for violating their constitutional rights. Unfortunately, they met great resistance.
Most recently, they created a sort of Peoples’ Court, in which they have lawyers from several countries collaborating in a model grand jury.
From Wikipedia:
A grand jury is a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought. A grand jury may subpoena physical evidence or a person to testify. A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning.
The purpose of a grand jury is to accuse persons who may be guilty of a crime. It is a means for lay citizens to participate in the administration of justice. Watergate, for example, had involvement of grand juries. More recently, the prosecution of Purdue Pharma also developed from grand jury investigations.
The juries are ‘grand’ because they are larger than typical jury trials, about 23 jurors. In this case, however, the jurors are the world. Today, tens of thousands of people watched the livestream.
This is what they heard.
Day 2: Historical Background
Before these proceedings began, my goal was to provide highlights of the Day for people to digest. Lo and behold, the first day was about 6 hours long.
So, I shifted to a less unwieldy approach. I’ll be discussing what I believe to be the most valuable pieces of information presented.
You can watch the full proceedings here.
Alex Thomson
Alex Thomson was an officer in Britain’s national intelligence agency, GCHQ. In one of his roles, he served as the transcriber of Russian and German intel. He also has a decorated upbringing, including boarding school and Oxford University. He is also a journalist and writer.
The perspective Alex provides completely floored me. This account is the ultimate historical backdrop to all that has taken place in recent years, and in decades past.
According to Alex, there is a history that lies behind the post-WWII era of health crises which we find ourselves in. Furthermore, the city of London has readied itself for this very moment with efforts that began in the 1870s. From this time, the consuming cartelization of the world began.
Everything that we see unfolding in modern history, points back to the period of 1870. At this time, the British elite instantiated several revolutions concerning the containment of productivity, and prevention of the growth of intellectual property among the native people of the Empire, and its competing nations.
These include revolutions in:
Intellectual Property
…and Governance
The City of London - the Square Mile
The central node of the Commonwealth is the City of London - henceforth referred to as The City. This square mile at the heart of Greater London, is home to about 9000 people. It also happens to be home to the families of the British Elite.
The City and the Church of England are the only two institutions that have endured every constitutional revolution in the British Isles with their wealth and privileges intact.
The City still has legal status independent of all the boroughs of London. Its privileges date back to the Magna Carta, approximately 1215. Its self-government has never been challenged. Its power has varied across time, but peaked at around the 17th century, during which it challenged the Crown for absolute dominance - thereby having power over a huge portion of the Earth. The City went as far as abolishing the Crown for about a decade.
The British Cabinet Office is the repository of Crown prerogatives. When lay people think of the Crown, they think of the Monarch. In practice, however, this is merely a front. Since 1870, the financiers of political parties are those who pull the levers of the “Crown.”
The City even has a designated seat in Parliament, entitled the Remembrancer. The sitting Monarch of Britain does not have such a privilege.
The model of government which Britain has exported to the Commonwealth includes a Privy Council which governs in the name of the Crown. For example, here is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau swearing an oath to the Crown & Privy Council:
In Britain, however, Parliament and government departments are merely consulted. There is a veneer of separation between the executive, legislative and judiciary branches of government. As concerns the new Crown and The City, this is merely a show - well documented in the 1873 book entitled The English Constitution.
the dignified parts of government - the show - the attractive parts do have a purpose, but only to attract national support to the working parts behind the scenes.
The City, thus, can be likened to a deep state.
A New Britain
The modern era of Cartelization began around 1870. Up until this point the might of the British empire and navy was largely unchallenged. The British elite realized they would rapidly face competition from foreign entities.
Starting from the mid-19th century, British foreign policy was primarily concerned with making allies with rivals of the past (France & the Ottomans) in an effort to prevent the future rise of a Russio-German alliance.
Unfortunately for Britian, there was another threat to the West. Namely, the rise of intellectual productivity and the democratization of innovation called the United States.
These changes in the global landscape brought about an existential crisis for Britain. Thus, The City’s trade model had to adjust.
The City adopted a model in which true wealth was to be found in ownership of the mind and body. This model of the world provided the added benefit of preventing the productive class from outproducing and overthrowing their bosses.
Thomson adds:
It is the consistent finding of allied researchers and commentators, that The City and its soft power institutions (BBC, Academia, & Church) continue to regard the battle for the mind as their top priority. Health is regarded merely as a subset of that broader battle.
Mindspace is a termed used by The City. It was formalized in the British Cabinet Office’s 2010 publication:
Mindspace: Influencing behavior through public policy
MINDSPACE is actually a mnemonic for a checklist. The purpose of this checklist is to guide development of policy to influence behavior.
…we set out nine of the most robust (non-coercive) influences on our behavior, captured in a simple mnemonic - MINDSPACE
The British elite regard themselves as the world’s leading power in Mindspace.
The purposes of Mindspace are particularly interesting abroad. The City influences other countries by tricking its own population and the elites of other nations to assume the perspective and narrative of The City in place of their own sovereign interests.
It is not a strategy that is formally taught, but is the credo of leading elite families that run The City, and the modus operandi of the Anglo-American tax-exempt foundations & think-tanks (NGOs) that push the agenda of these families upon Western governments.
All this suggests that our political discourse has veered astray. This perspective of forming public policy is a betrayal of the governmental enterprise, in my estimation.
Here are the Elite in question, at the World Economic Forum, opining on the loss of trust…
On the one hand, culture evolves by the interaction of humans in enterprise. The evolving culture, then, influences legislation.
On the other, you have a governance structure which aims to mold culture by the inaction of public policy. These approaches to governance can be at odds.
As Alex Thomson put it:
If your mindspace is controlled by the Anglosaxon liberal democratic model, then you are going to find a club with self-interest will run the world, even in areas such as healthcare. People will wrongly assume that their best interests are kept at heart.
These MINDSPACE tactics, however, must appear to be legitimate. Otherwise, people get suspicious and resist.
“…citizens may not fully realise that their behavior is being changed…”
“…this opens government up to charges of manipulation…”
“…attempts to change [peoples’] behavior will be effective if they are…provided information…above board…”
“…fundamentally it is an issue of trust in the government.”
By influencing the cultural institutions of authority, they can capture the peoples’ mind.
Implications for Western Democracy
In the Commonwealth & coastal jurisdictions (e.g. NYC), we are trained by the soft power institutions of The City to think we are in control of our destiny. The strength of The City’s model is the ability to operate at arms length. To persuade people that what they wanted before, is not what they want now.
Consequently, the mindspace is the most powerful weapon that Britain can wield. The British establishment has not fought fairly since about 1870. Most of the revolutions it hoped to bring about, were all in place by the post-WW2 era.
Thomson continues:
The sovereign power of The City is learned by most by the time they are in boarding school, let alone matriculants of Oxford & Cambrdige. According to this understanding, the rest of the British empire does not have self-determination.
The City owns the population’s body, mind, & soul.
From The City’s perspective, its livestock are not performing in a manner which they deem competitive on the world stage.
Usage of the term livestock is explicit. Up until the 1990s, boarding schools used it to describe the British population. This revolved around the idea that people were cattle, and that their place in the world was under the direction of the Elite.
In effect, the City of London (and its US hub, Wall Street) is battling with the American experiment of self-determination, intellectual productivity and the democratization of innovation. Whilst simultaneously competing with the East.
We are witnessing the evolution of a meta Civil War. Not within a country, but within the western hemisphere. A war which will determine which ethos within the West will rise to contend against the slavish productivity of the East.
I, for one, believe in the American experiment.
Freedom is good for the Soul.
Day 3 of Grand Jury proceedings are today, February 13th, at noon EST.
The arrogance of man knows no bounds. The potential damage is likewise unlimited.
Follow me on Twitter @RemnantMD
Question. Can someone name the 13 families. Thanks.
Also addresses would be handy.
This is way too meta.
Alex Thomson interviewed by an independent UK news site, discussing the above article:
"Obviously a well-educated, dissident, medical thinker in the States."
-Alex Thomson, British Intelligence